Role Jobs
Here are your task as said role.
Void Strike
Void Strike from Madurai is the focus you'll be running if you are not playing the damage role. Void Strike is when you are in void mode, you will charge up a damage multiplier for the next X shots, That being said, sitting in Void Mode for a long time will result in a big multiplier, big enough to one shot the Eidolon's shields with enough buffs.
Precharge run
Precharge run refers to charging up a big Void Strike multiplier before night time hits. During this run, you only need to dump one shot per shields, and each person takes turns shooting. Typically in this run, it will go in this order.
Trinity will end up taking 2 Teralyst shields.
Volt will then shoot his shots per shield until he is out
Harrow will then shoot his shots per shield until the end of Hydrolyst
If any shields are left, Trinity can come in and shoot shields.
After precharge run
After the precharge is complete, This is when everybody will shoot at the same time to take out the shields.
Virtuous Shadow & Wisp
After the DPS takes out the Synovia, he will proceed to drop Unairu Wisp under neath the Eidolon, after you pick one of these up, proceed to proc Virtuous Shadow by Void Dashing back and fourth on the Eidolon's head.
Unairu Wisp
Unairu Wisp from Unairu is what you'll be running if you are playing the damage role. Unairu Wisp is when you perform a Void Blast, it will drop a tiny Wisp that grants 100% extra damage to your Operator's Amp.
Where to wisp & when
After breaking one of the Eidolon's Synovias, then it is time to start wisping for your team. Climb up on the Eidolon's right knee up to the waist, and spam E to start spawning Wisp.
Chroma is a fairly easy role to play when it comes to Eidolon's. You will be running Unairu Wisp as your focus, and providing Wisp when necessary. You get your damage buff from your 3rd ability "Vex Armor". Basically after you are done fast charging and have arrived at the Eidolon, you will get out your self damaging weapon and start to charge up max Fury from Vex Armor, then proceed with the Eidolon. Use Elemental Ward if you wish to have more Reload Speed or Health Bonus. (Depends on your energy color.)
Volt requires a little bit of work but you get the hang of it easily after a while. You will be running Void Strike as your focus, and placing Shields when necessary. Placing shields allow for more amp damage once you shoot through it. Shield placement varies on the amps being used,
Shraksun - You place the shields horizontal in the Eidolon's right foot so you can shoot up and get multihits, resulting in maximum damage.
Propa - You place the shields sort of vertical a few meters away from the Eidolon so you can safely shoot Propa without it detonating on anything unneeded.
Harrow is arguably the easiest role to play when it comes to Eidolon's. You will be running Void Strike as your focus, and casting Covenant when necessary. You cast your 4th ability when the Eidolon tips his head down right before Energy Spike. Running 92-95% duration means your crit buff will run out before the next Energy Spike, Making Covenant able to cast again.
Trinity is the role that requires the most work when it comes to Eidolon's You will be running Void Strike as your focus, and grabbing lures and blessing when necessary. DPS will grab the first lure and charge it, your job is to grab 2 more lures, drop them so that way the DPS can grab them, then fly out to grab 5 more.
Ivara is a really tricky role and is not normally recommended due to how tricky it really is. You will be running Unairu Wisp as your focus, and navigating Castanas on the Synovia. When the Eidolon is about to Energy Spike, you will throw a Castana, cast 2 so you can navigate it, navigate it onto a Synovia, detonate when the shields break.
Rhino is the same as Chroma, minus the self damaging part. You will be running Unairu Wisp as your focus, and keeping up Roar when needed. Casting Roar will give you a damage boost, you may also cast Iron Skin for more survivability.
Titania is pretty fun to use when it comes to Eidolon's You will be running Unairu Wisp as your focus, and casting shooting Synovias while in Razorwing with Dex Pixia. Casting Razorwing will put you in a little archwing mode which also brings out your Dex Pixia which is your damaging weapon, note that this ability is kind of spammed due to going in and out due to Wisping.
Garuda is also a pretty tricky role but you get used to it when it comes to Eidolon's You will be running Unairu Wisp as your focus, and casting your 3rd to get your damage buff. Casting your 3rd will drop your HP by 50%, casting twice will drop you down to 2HP but at a 100% damage buff, You want to keep at 2HP to keep your damage buff, so when the Trinity blesses, just cast 3 twice.
Fast Charging
Here is a really good video to learn fast charging.
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